# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Nov 09, 2020 Fallout 3 Gameplay Walkthrough - Broadcast tower KB5 is a broadcast tower in the Capital Wasteland in the year 2277. It is located west of the deathclaw sanctuary. When the ham radio's switch at broadcast tower KB5 is flipped, the Alfa Lima signal becomes active. Relay Tower KX-B8-11 - Radio Signal Oscar Zulu Drainage Chamber. Near Relay Tower KX-B8-11 there is a drainage chamber the book is in the room to the east on a desk with radio signal Oscar Zulu. Rivet City Area - Broken Bow. Behind the gurney with the corpse on it in Pinkerton's home you'll find this book. RobCo Facility - Offices and Cafeteria.
Ahzrukhal |
Allistair Tenpenny |
Alphonse Almodovar |
Amata Almodovar |
Augustus Autumn |
Benjamin Montgomery |
Bigsley |
Biwwy |
Butch DeLoria |
Button Gwinnett |
Calvert (Brain) |
Catherine (Mom) |
Child (Female) |
Child (Male) |
Chinese Soldiers |
Colin Moriarty |
Confessor Cromwell |
Constantine Chase |
Desmond Lockheart |
Dukov |
Edwin Brotch |
Elliott Tercorien |
Enclave (Female) |
Enclave (Male) |
Eulogy Jones |
Eyebot |
Galaxy News Radio |
Ghoul (Female) |
Ghoul (Male) |
Grandma Sparkle |
Harkness |
Harold |
Ishmael Ashur |
James |
Jericho |
John Henry Eden |
Liberty Prime |
Lucas Simms |
M.A.R.Go.T. |
Madison Li |
McGraw |
Midea |
Miscellaneous Female Voices 1 |
Miscellaneous Female Voices 2 |
Miscellaneous Female Voices 3 |
Miscellaneous Male Voices 1 |
Miscellaneous Male Voices 2 |
Miscellaneous Male Voices 3 |
Miscellaneous Male Voices 4 |
Miscellaneous Male Voices 5 |
Miscellaneous Male Voices 6 |
Miscellaneous Robots |
Mister Burke |
Mister Gutsy |
Mister Handy |
Moira Brown |
Olin |
Owyn Lyons |
Paul Hannon Jr. (Kid) |
Paulson |
Player (Female) |
Player (Male) |
Protectron |
Raider (Female) |
Raider (Male) |
Reginald Rothchild |
Robert Joseph MacCready |
Robobrain |
Sally |
Sandra Kundanika |
Sarah Lyons |
Sentry Bot |
Sibley |
Slave (Female) |
Slave (Male) |
Somah |
Stanislaus Braun |
Super Mutant |
Swampfolk |
Talon Company |
Three Dog |
Timmy Neusbaum |
Tobar |
Toshiro Kago |
Tristan |
Vallincourt |
Vault 101 PA System |
Wernher |
Weston Lesko |
![Wiki Wiki](https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-07-25/COVID-19-Chinese-mainland-reports-34-new-cases-Spb86cm7hS/img/2a655e7c9b644964ada3a6614740701f/2a655e7c9b644964ada3a6614740701f.jpeg)
![Tele kiskeya en direct Tele kiskeya en direct](https://www.orfonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ORF_OccasionalPaper_253_US-China-Decoupling-1.jpg)
Abomination |
Alien |
Bloatfly |
Brahmin |
Centaur |
Deathclaw |
Dogmeat |
Dogs |
Feral Ghoul |
Giant Ant |
Giant Ant Queen |
Mirelurk |
Mirelurk King |
Mole Rat |
Radroach |
Radscorpion |
Super Mutant Behemoth |
Trog |
Yao guai |
Ambient |
Doors |
Footsteps |
Items |
Miscellaneous |
Objects |
Physics Effects |
Quest Related |
User Interface |
Weapon Effects |
Weapons |
Console | Genre | Developers |
PC / Computer | Action RPG | Developer coming soon! |
Tags |
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon! |
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![Spoiler? Spoiler?](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJzqWcL09jZaYdfYTljZ2t--A_XUp-ueR7zNrwLr3w=s800-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo)
Radio Signal Kilo Bravo |
Technical |
Activator ID | FFHamRadio01 | ref id | 0842B9 | Talking Activator ID | FFRadioSignal01 | ref id | 06F6A5 | Quest Name | FFRadioSignals01 | base id | 06F6BB |
Signal Kilo Bravo is a radio transmission being broadcasted from WKML broadcast station in the Capital Wasteland.
Radio tower complex
WKML broadcast station is to the far south of Fort Constantine. Head inside the station, and you will find the electrical switch for the radio signal. It's located on the wall to your right, behind the power generators.
Sealed cistern
![Wiki Wiki](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/3/33/GNRAdv.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20110302114841)
![Video Video](https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iYRlPxrkQOHA/v0/1200x750.png)
Following the signal leads you to a sealed cistern at the foot of the drop-off, due south of the south corner of the WKML building. Entering the grate, you find yourself in a short drainage tunnel, blocked at the far end by sandbags. To the right side of the desk is the Explosives bobblehead. As with all the drainage chamber stations, there is a ham radio that lets you toggle the broadcast.
Morse code
The Morse code translation of the broadcast is:
This translates to 'Seeking all stations, this is... Kilo Bravo... Kilo Bravo... Kilo Bravo... Over.' It is emanating from one of nine encoded broadcasting stations.
- Fawkes will get stuck upon entering the grate, blocking your way out of the cistern. You might not be able to escape unless you fire him.
- Turning clipping off shows that there is nothing in the rooms past the sandbags that you can see on your local map.
- Turning clipping off will also reveal a hidden red 'X' under the sand bags. This sign marks the 'talking activator' for the radio broadcast.
Chinese Radio Signal Fallout 3 Nuka
Stations | Major | Enclave Radio ·Galaxy News Radio | Minor | Agatha's Station ·Vault 101 PA system ·People's Republic of America Radio ·Pitt Broadcast · (Tenpenny Tower Radio) |
Signals | Permanent | Chinese Radio Beacon ·Recon Craft Theta Signal ·Signal Alfa Lima ·Signal Echo Foxtrot ·Signal Kilo Bravo ·Signal Oscar Tango ·Signal Oscar Zulu ·Signal Papa November ·Signal Sierra Romeo ·Signal Sierra Victor ·Signal Yankee Bravo | Temporary | Ranger Emergency Frequency ·Vault 101 Distress Signal ·Outcast Distress Signal ·Wernher's Distress signal |
| Parentheses () denote cut content, italics denote stations available through add-ons. |
Chinese Radio Signal Fallout 3
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