How To Get To Wayrest

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Wayrest Sewers is Daggerfall Covenant’s second 4-man group dungeon. The group finder lists the dungeon as level 20-23, and it is located in the city of Wayrest in Stormhaven.

Aldmeri Dominion and Ebonheart Pact players can explore the dungeon after they’ve completed their own level 20-23 dungeons, Elden Hollow or Darkshade Caverns.

This guide explains the boss fights & mechanics in Wayrest Sewers.

Wayrest Sewers Overview

The dungeon quest for Wayrest Sewers can be picked up as soon as you are teleported to the instance. Completing the dungeon quest will give a skill point.

What would a sewer be without rats and crocodiles? Not a lot, apparently. You’ll find both of them in Wayrest Sewers. The layout of the instance slightly reminds me of the Imperial Prison in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

Recommended Group setup

Wayrest Sewers is probably the easiest of the level 20-23 instances. Both Varaine and Allene Pellingare benefit from having a tank in the group, but I can see the instance completed without a dedicated tank. There’s a couple of crocodile trash mobs which deal more damage than any of the bosses in the instance – ironically that’s where you’ll need a tank the most. A healer will be useful.


  • Slimecraw (optional miniboss)
  • Investigator Garron
  • Uulgarg the Hungry (miniboss)
  • The Rat Whisperer (optional miniboss)
  • Varaine Pellingare
  • Allene Pellingare

Normal Mode


Level: 23

Health: 8,030

Slimecraw is the first optional boss in Wayrest Sewers. He’s a giant crocodile! He can be annoying from a tank’s point of view, but really is nothing to worry about.

Boss mechanics

  • Slimecraw has a frontal cone tailswipe. It deals high physical damage and does a pretty big knockback. You do have enough time to get out of the cone, but not too much.

Investigator Garron

Level: 23

Health: 16,060

Investigator Garron is the second boss in Wayrest Sewers, and has a couple of mechanics which make for an interesting boss fight.

Boss mechanics

  • Garron likes to teleport around the room. Just keep track of him.
  • The main mechanic in this fight is the green orb Garron summons. It will start chasing after random players, dealing damage to anyone caught in its radius. If the orb is chasing you, run away, but make sure you don’t drag the orb through your group members.
  • Garron periodically summons two Restless Soul ghosts with 717 Health on the opposite sides of the room. The ghosts have ranged attacks, and they should be taken down asap.
  • Garron also has a highly damaging ranged knockback which seems to prefer distant targets.

Uulgarg the Hungry

Uulgarg the Hungry is the third boss in Wayrest Sewers. It’s easy to mock this fight up, even though the fight on its own isn’t very demanding. Uulgarg has a bunch of adds with him, including healers. Take them down first and then focus on Uulgarg himself.

Boss mechanics

  • The most dangerous ability Uulgarg has is his AOE fear ability. He’ll sometimes fear everyone for a few seconds. Whilst the fear on its own doesn’t do any damage, what follows up might be lethal.
  • Uulgarg has a nasty heavy melee attack, which deals a lot of damage unless blocked. He also likes to do it right after he has feared everyone. This could potentially kill the tank unless he has enough Stamina to break out of the fear and block the attack.
  • Uulgarg sometimes stops and does a whirlwind attack around him, dealing physical damage. The damage isn’t high, but there’s no reason to get hit by it.

How To Get To Wayrest Eso

The Rat Whisperer

Level: 23

Health: 8,030

The Rat Whisperer is definitely my favorite boss in Wayrest Sewers. He’s an optional miniboss, and he dances!

Boss mechanics

  • The Rat Whisperer periodically casts a magic AOE damage spell at the tank, indicated with a red circle.
  • The boss shouts “Come to me my minions” as he summons a bunch of low Health skeevers to aid him.
  • The Rat Whisperer sometimes casts a cold damage root spell on the tank.

Varaine Pellingare

Level: 23

Health: 16,060

Varaine Pellingare is the fifth boss in Wayrest Sewers. He has a couple of nasty abilities which are good to be aware of in advance.

Boss mechanics

  • The tank needs to look out for Varaine’s heavy melee attack, and block it.
  • Varaine Pellingare periodically casts a quickly expanding AOE spell around him. It deals a lot of damage and briefly stuns anyone caught in it.
  • Varaine also does a frontal cone attack, seemingly to a random direction. He has a jump animation associated with the ability, but it’s still very tricky to avoid. Getting hit by the frontal cone attack will knock you down and deal medium physical damage.

Allene Pellingare

Level: 23

Health: 16,060

Allene Pellingare is the sixth and final boss in Wayrest Sewers. Allene is your typical rogue boss: she dual wields weapons, vanishes and has a shadowstep ability.

Boss mechanics

  • The tank needs to block Allene’s heavy melee attack.
  • From time to time Allene does a Teleport Strike to random targets, which deals a lot of damage and briefly snares the target.
  • Allene vanishes roughly every 25% of her Health to summon Fiendish Hallucinations. They are large bats with 562 Health. The number of bats summoned increases after each summon. Normally bats are immune to root effects, but for some reason these bats are not. A dragonknight with Dark Talons will completely destroy them.
  • After the last group of bats has been summoned, Allene should be at around 25% Health. Allene takes on a ghost form and seems to deal a bit more damage in the last phase.

Veteran Mode

Veteran Mode section included soon!

The Undaunted is a Guild in the Elder Scrolls Online which focuses on adventures in Dungeons and Delves. The Undaunted is an official guild ESO and should not be confused with guilds created by players.

How to join the Undaunted

You can join the Undaunted at any point but in order to take the Undaunted pledge and unlock the precious skill line, you need to be at least level 45.

The Undaunted recruiters are located in three places:

  • Davon’s watch in Stone Falls
  • Daggerfall in Glenumbra
  • Vulkhel Guard in Auridon

See the maps below for their location in each city.

The Undaunted will usually be sitting around a table in a pub, there should be a person with a quest marker there. Accepting this quest will start the quest line to join the Undaunted.

Once you reach level 45 and have taken the Undaunted pledge you can start to carry out daily quests and daily pledges.

To accept pledges you need to talk to the NPCs located in the Undaunted enclaves.

The Undaunted enclaves are located in:

  • Mournhold – Deshaan
  • Elden Root – Grahtwood
  • Wayrest – Stormhaven

Their location will be marked on your map with the following icon:

The Undaunted skill line

This skill line contains some of the most valuable abilities in the game. The passive abilities are super powerful and don’t require you to have an Undaunted ability slotted. They will basically make you stronger with no trade off. I highly recommend you spend some time getting these skills.

This skill line is especially valuable for tanks.

Let’s go over the abilities and which ones to use.

Blood Altar: Very popular skill among tanks as it passively heals you and your allies.

Inner Fire: This is the only ranged taunt ability in the game, it is an essential ability for tanks.

Bone Shield: Another great tank ability, it gives you a shield that absorbs 30% of your max health. Since it is health based, it’s mostly used by tanks as they have a very high base health.

Undaunted Command and Undaunted Mettle are the passive abilities in this skill line. Regardless of your class or role, you should get these. They don’t cost anything to you but they will make you a lot stronger. Win win situation right there.

How to level up you Undaunted skill line

To level up the skill line you need to earn reputation with the Undaunted. There are several ways you can do this. Unfortunately, there are no monsters you can kill which yield reputation making this skill line a bit of a grind.

Let’s look at the different options.

Daily Quests

Daily Undaunted quests can be picked up in the Undaunted encampment from Bolgrul. They typically involve you going to a randomly selected delve for each day. Your objective is to defeat the evil within that delve.

Each daily quest will yield: 5 Rep

You can do this to supplement, but this is by far the least efficient way of leveling up the Undaunted skill line as it yields such a low amount of reputation points.

Daily Pledges

A pledge is a quest which involves you going through a 4 man group dungeon from start to finish. These dungeons can be accessed through the dungeon finder (hotkey: P on PC).

There will be 3 randomly generated pledges per day.

Pledges can be picked up in the Undaunted enclave from 3 different NPCs, Maj al-Ragath, Glirion the Redbeard and Urgarlag Chief-bane.

How Do You Get To Wayrest

Maj al-Ragath gives the easiest pledges.

Glirion the Redbeard gives medium difficulty pledges.

Urgarlag Chief-bane gives hard pledges.

Each pledge gives you 10 reputation points if the dungeon is completed on normal difficulty.

If you complete the dungeon on Veteran difficulty the pledge will yield 20 reputation points.

You will also be rewarded with keys which can be used to acquire Monster Sets.

How To Get To Wayrest

Dungeon Achievements

How To Get To Wayrest

Another way to gain reputation is to complete dungeon achievements. You can access and view your list of achievements by pressing J on PC and clicking on the “Achievements” tab.

Every time you do a dungeon for the first time you will earn an achievement for completing it (given that you defeated all bosses and mini bosses in the dungeon, don’t skip anything).

Each dungeon will also have more specific achievements, most of them require you to do the veteran version of the dungeon. Some examples are:

Wayrest 2 Eso

  • Assassin: complete the dungeon within a set time limit on veteran.
  • Survivor: Complete the dungeon without any member of your group suffering a death on veteran.
  • Hard Mode: Read the golden scroll before the final boss on veteran difficulty to engage a harder version of the boss. This varies depending on the dungeon, usually it’s a golden scroll. Info can be found in the achievements section for the specific dungeon.

There are other dungeon achievements as well, read through the achievements for the dungeon you would like to do and try to hit some of them.

The fastest way to level up the Undaunted Skill line

By far the fastest way to level up the undaunted skill line is to go for the achievement you get for completing a dungeon for the first time.

Take note of each dungeon that you have completed and just go down the list in the dungeon finder and make sure you complete all dungeons.

Note: The veteran version of a dungeon counts as a separate dungeon. IE completing fungal grotto on normal and veteran will count as 2 seperate completion achievements. Make sure to also do the veteran version of each dungeon for maximum gain.

How To Get To Wayrest

Leveling up the Undaunted can be quite tedious but if you just play the game, do dungeons with people, do the pledges, you will eventually build up enough reputation to unlock the entire skill line. Don’t worry too much about it for now 🙂

How To Get To Wayrest Eso

I hope you found this article useful, if you have any questions I am always happy to help! Either drop a comment or send me a message in game, my user is @Pontypants.

Happy undaunting!